Reflecting on another fantastic year

Reflecting on another fantastic year

Graham Guest
By Telford College principal and CEO Graham Guest

And so, we reach the end of another academic year – and what a year it has been for us here at Telford College.

Record-breaking results in many curriculum areas, the introduction of brand new initiatives to meet the skills needs of local employers, and continued investment around our campus.

We had our highest ever number of students nominated for the college’s annual achievement awards, held at the end of last month, and I think this says everything about what a fabulous year it has been.

The awards evening was a fantastic occasion; our opportunity to publicly recognise the outstanding achievements and progress of our students throughout the year – and to celebrate their success.

I am incredibly proud of the way in which staff and students continue to show such teamwork, commitment, pure hard work and tenacity.

Here at Telford College, we firmly believe that working in partnership is the way forward. We’re delighted to have formed a close relationship with our friends at Keele University which I know is going to open up exciting new opportunities for students.

We are also collaborating with WMG at the University of Warwick, another of the region’s most respected universities. Our Electrification and Sustainability Conference, organised in conjunction with WMG plus the local authority and Telford Business Board, has laid foundations for some exciting innovations.

If there’s one thing which remains constant in education, it’s change, and the new academic year in September will see the launch of our first T Levels.

What are T Levels? If you prefer a more practical, vocational approach to learning, they offer an exciting new option for post-GCSE education. Each T Level is equivalent to three A levels, and features a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience.

We are kicking off our programme with courses in Digital, Science and Health, and have been working closely with a number of local businesses to ensure students gain the highest quality industry placements.

By developing our courses in collaboration with employers and businesses, we can make sure that the content meets their skills needs.

We’re incredibly excited about what the next few months have in store. Whether it’s T Levels, A levels, apprenticeships, or one of our many other study options, it’s not too late to enrol for September – all the details are here

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